Category: One day one deck
One day one deck nº13: Typhonic Ghende
Good morning Matusalenes!
Ghede’s deck is, according to ‘my opinion’, a lower level deck in comparition with what we have been showing you so far. It is a multirush deck based mainly on the Typhonic Beast card and the best vampire to play it: Ghede.
The typhonic beast is played during the previous phase and gives us [be] +1 strength for the entire fight, [pot + be] prevention of 1 damage each round, [POT + SER] a prey for the current round. All these effects are cumulative. The card has a cost of one blood.
Ghede, has POT and SER (among others), a visit from basis and also cost one less the combat card. That translates into using as many typhonic as it takes to knock anyone out. It usually requires an immortal grapple so that others do not run away from combat.
The best way to deal with this fight is based on maneuvering and trying not to get caught at close. Ghede ‘alone’ usually has the maneuvers of Make the Misere, Shadow Boxing, Swallowed by the night, Slam, Form of the serpent, Unfliching Persistence … to return to close combat and staple us against the wall.
One of the deficiencies of the deck is that it is Ghede-dependent, as its partners are not usually at the same level. Only Setempenre and Shemti keep up, more or less.
Today, in addition, I leave you an unusual list for Ghede’s deck, but I have a lot of fun when it works. If you want the classic version of the deck, you can check the version of the mythical Hugh Angseesing in the secretlibrary, here.
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=1 max=10 avg=6.) 4x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY 5x Ghede 10 FOR OBF POT PRE SER Follower of Set:6 3x Ogwon 7 for OBF PRE SER Follower of Set:5 Library: 90 cards Master (19 cards) 5x Eternals of Sirius, The 3x Fame 1x Giant's Blood 1x Leadership Vacuum 1x Archon Investigation 1x Monster 5x Villein 2x Wider View Action (15 cards) 1x Ambush 1x Form of Corruption 2x Harass 2x Heroic Might 2x Make the Misere 2x Preternatural Strength 1x Big Game 3x Bum's Rush 1x Charge of the Buffalo Action Modifier (8 cards) 1x Enkil Cog 7x Freak Drive Action Modifier/Combat (5 cards) 1x Form of the Serpent 4x Swallowed by the Night Combat (38 cards) 7x Immortal Grapple 3x Taste of Vitae 4x Trap 18x Typhonic Beast 2x Unflinching Persistence 1x Cobra Fangs 3x Disarm Ally (1 cards) 1x Saatet-ta Equipment (4 cards) 4x Eye of Hazimel
Tomorrow I will talk to you about Malkavian ’94. Greetings to all.
One day one deck nº12: Khazar’s Diary
Good morning dear readers!
What is promised is debt and today we will talk about Khazar’s Diary’s deck!
The “Khazar’s” deck is based on the homonymous Khazar’s Diary. It is a stealth action that requires Giovanni clan. When playing it, a counter is added to a Khazar that was already at stake and if that is not possible, the card is put into play. Whenever a single minion is burned, a counter is added to the newspaper. As long as a Khazar is in play has 7 or more counters, the vampires of the Giovanni clan gain Superior Necromancy and as a stealth action, they can return any minion of any graveyard to the game to represent a wraith ally with two life, one of bleed and one stealth (zero force).
The deck is obviously based on exploiting the Khazar’s Diary and trying to get those seven counters as soon as possible so that they can bring as many allies into the game and kill our crush prey.
In general, we achieved that by playing with many small vampires of the Giovanni clan, who are dedicated to playing many unique allies and many diaries. We will not hesitate to sacrifice allies without regard, to add more counters (then we will recycle them).
Apart from the khazar’s diary, the cards we can expect in this deck are the Unmasking and the FBI Special Affairs Division, the Giovanni allies (Gianna, Giula, Leonardo, Tye …), the other good allies (Ossian, Carlton, Impudulu … ). Then there are other packs that are usually added to taste: Embraces and there is my favorite version, the anarchist with Cry Wolf (and some Piper). Delayings and deflections to survive.
Here I leave my list of my deck of Khazar’s, although some time ago that I do not play, you could use to see the idea:
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 4, Max: 16, Avg: 2,33) 1 Marciana Giovanni dom 2 Giovanni 1 Paul DiCarlo pot 2 Giovanni 1 Rudolfo Giovanni NEC 3 Giovanni 1 Lia Milliner dom nec 3 Giovanni 1 Gloria Giovanni nec DOM 4 Giovanni 1 Chas Giovanni Tello DOM POT 4 Giovanni 1 Isabel Giovanni pot DOM NEC 5 Giovanni 5 Anarch Convert -none- 1 Caitiff Library: (80 cards) Master (16 cards) 1 Anarch Railroad 1 Creepshow Casino 1 Garibaldi-Meucci Museum 1 Humanitas 2 Parthenon, The 1 Pentex(TM) Subversion 6 Piper 1 Powerbase: Cape Verde 1 Powerbase: Los Angeles 1 Seattle Committee Action (15 cards) 4 Embrace, The 7 Khazar's Diary (Endless Night) 4 Sudario Refraction Action Modifier (3 cards) 3 Call of the Hungry Dead Reaction (12 cards) 5 Deflection 2 Delaying Tactics 5 On the Qui Vive Combat (9 cards) 4 Concealed Weapon 2 Lucky Blow 3 Target Vitals Ally (15 cards) 1 Carlton Van Wyk 8 Cry Wolf 1 Gianna di Canneto 2 Giulia Giovanni Abruzzina 1 Leonardo, Mortician 1 Ossian 1 Tye Cooper Equipment (5 cards) 5 Wooden Stake Event (3 cards) 1 FBI Special Affairs Division 2 Unmasking, The Combo (2 cards) 2 Spectral Divination
Tomorrow we will continue with Ghede’s deck and his Typhonic Beast!
One day one deck nº11: Nosferatu Royale
This deck is based on Nosferatu princes and justicares (which are cheap in terms of capacity). The classic version of the deck plays with groups 1 and 2 (Nikolaus, Calebros, Selma, Sheldon and even Murat) although the version of groups 2-3 can also be seen by the tables (how good is Cock Robin!).
This deck follows a somewhat particular dynamic due to its peculiarities. This is a deck based on traditions and policies. The strong point is obfuscation, which allows you to pass over most intercept decks without disheveled. As a main weakness it is quite blind to bleed (it only has second traditions) and none of its disciplines can deflect. Of course we could add intercept of animalism, but the deck is not about that. Another problem is that we have to pass the voting only with the votes of our vampires (we can help ourselves with the animal magnetism and the legendary vampire for that).
In general we will be interested in taking out many vampires (and surviving on the road!). Nikolaus’s special ability comes to us luxury and that is why the first one should be taken out. Then we can use the fourth tradition to accelerate that. If we are doing well, we may be able to play parity to our prey in order to continue influencing. Fifth tradition to fill us. For everything else, KRCard.
With regard to combat, there are decks that play with a lot of POT and / or ANI and others that prefer to forget that to specialize in their own. (If we are not going to play combat, we can play third traditions to block possible visits that we want to make).
Here is the Nosferatu Royalty list:
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 24, Max: 39, Avg: 7,75) 2 Calebros obf pot ANI 5 Nosferatu 2 Casino Reeds cel dem ANI OBF POT9 Nosferatu 3 Cock Robin aus for ANI OBF POT10 Nosferatu 2 Murat ser OBF POT 7 Nosferatu 3 Nikolaus Vermeulen ani for obf POT7 Nosferatu Library: (75 cards) Master (16 cards) 1 Barrens, The 1 Dreams of the Sphinx 1 Giant's Blood 1 Labyrinth, The 3 Legendary Vampire 1 Monastery of Shadows 1 Pentex(TM) Subversion 1 Warsaw Station 6 Zillah's Valley Action (7 cards) 4 Deep Song 1 SchreckNET 2 Tier of Souls Action Modifier (23 cards) 4 Elder Impersonation 3 Faceless Night 3 Forgotten Labyrinth 7 Freak Drive 6 Lost in Crowds Political Action (13 cards) 2 Conservative Agitation 4 Kine Resources Contested 7 Parity Shift Reaction (1 cards) 1 Lost in Translation Combat (9 cards) 3 Carrion Crows 3 Terror Frenzy 3 Thrown Gate Retainer (2 cards) 1 J. S. Simmons, Esq. 1 Tasha Morgan Event (1 cards) 1 Bitter and Sweet Story, The Combo (3 cards) 3 Swallowed by the Night
Tomorrow we will continue with the deck of Khazar’s Diary!
One day one deck nº10: Enkidu Superstar
Enkidu Superstar’s deck is a deck of combat visits that with a bit of luck can decapitate the entire table in a few turns.
This deck is surely the one that I have played the most times until today, because although it is not a deck of the “best” that can be played at a competitive level, I have a lot of fun. I have a phrase for this deck: “Enkidu’s deck works very well until something goes wrong.”
The fundamental strategy of the deck is to visit everyone, usually your first predator and then as appropriate. Enkidu is a capacity 11 vampire with a built-in visit and +2 strength. For this deck, the issue of teams and retainers doesn’t matter to us.
If you are going to play the deck, you have to keep in mind that your game depends above all on Enkidu (or Matasuntha) in its absence. Everyone is going to want to stop you so it is important that you are able to show who is in charge at the table. An entombment or a sensory deprivation is usually the reason for the end of the game.
The combat of this monster is both simple and effective: it’s about hitting with Enkidu’s super hand. “Nothing before range, no maneuver, hand of 3, additional 3, psyche! And repeat until you kill.
In addition to the Enkidu visit, the deck has many visits and multiactions so we can almost certainly get where we set out. I recommend getting a little distracted during the beginning of the game, we must try to make others see us as a minor threat (not usually easy) to deposit their pool in the vampires.
If you play against this deck, there is a weak point that you should know, the strength to inferior of enkidu makes it only capable of multiactioning in successful actions since it uses Freak Drive, Forced March and Instantaneous Transformation. If you stop a visit it will be very difficult to return that same turn.
Next, my Enkidu Superstar list:
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=1 max=11 avg=6.2) 4x Enkidu, The Noah 11 for ANI CEL OBF POT PRO Gangrel antitribu:4 4x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY 1x Andre LeRoux 3 aus Toreador:5 2x Matasuntha 10 ANI AUS CEL FOR PRO Gangrel:5 1x Andre the Manipulator 6 FOR PRO Gangrel:5 Library: 90 cards Master (15 cards) 2x Fame 1x Fortitude 1x Giant's Blood 2x Golconda: Inner Peace 1x Leadership Vacuum 1x Monster 1x Pentex(TM) Subversion 1x Secure Haven 1x Tension in the Ranks 4x Villein Action (19 cards) 1x Ambush 2x Fleetness 1x Harass 2x Make the Misere 2x Sense Death 1x Shadow of the Beast 3x Taunt the Caged Beast 1x Big Game 2x Bum's Rush 1x Charge of the Buffalo 3x Deep Song Action Modifier (12 cards) 1x Enkil Cog 3x Forced March 4x Freak Drive 4x Instantaneous Transformation Combat (43 cards) 13x Psyche! 4x Pursuit 5x Taste of Vitae 1x Blur 2x Canine Horde 2x Claws of the Dead 13x Diversion 3x Earth Meld Event (1 cards) 1x Scourge of the Enochians Note: when the change to Pentex is effective, it will be replaced by a Fame.
On Monday we will talk about deck Nosferatu Royaltie. Good weekend!
One day one deck nº9: Goratrix blocker
Today I will tell you about the Goratrix block deck.
If by chance you are sitting playing a pachanga and curiosity has brought you here to see Goratrix in front or behind you … take a breath and ask for something to drink, that the thing is going long.
This deck is characterized by being sickly solid once it has passed the initial phase of the game. Goratrix’s special ability (draw 2R of blood per strike) means that this deck can dispense with most combat cards and can continue to pay the cards with blood cost (especially Rego Motus and Deflection).
The habitual companion of Goratrix “the weary one” is usually Omaya, “the heavy one”. Omaya has the AUSpex and the ANImalism that we will use to block to infinity and one of combat damage is prevented.
The usual thing in this deck is to play to wear the rest of the table intercepting everything that pool / blood / power. The intercept crads of the deck is the best in the game (Sense the savage way, Eyes of Argus, Read the winds, The Mole, etc …). You can expect at least 30-40 wakes in the deck.
The other key cards of the deck are quite evident (Govern, Conditioning, Deflection, Rego Motus …), accompanied by Enkil Cog, Army of Rats, Maggic of the Smith to equip with the classic Ruins of Ceoris that Goratrix likes so much , Guardian Angels and some Carrion – Canine Horde. Smiling Jack to fix the day.
A strategy that often accompanies this deck is anarchism, which gives us access to the Constant Revolution, the Mole and the deadly Anarch Revolt.
Here is my Goratrix list:
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 4, Max: 40, Avg: 5,91) 4 Anarch Convert -none- 1 Caitiff 1 Anastasz di Zagreb ani cel dom AUS THA8 Tremere 1 Devin Bisley vic ANI AUS 5 Tzimisce 4 Goratrix vic ANI AUS DOM THA10 Tremere Antitribu 2 Omaya pro ANI AUS FOR7 Gangrel Antitribu Library: (90 cards) Master (20 cards) 5 Anarch Revolt 1 Bleeding the Vine 1 Dreams of the Sphinx 1 Erciyes Fragments, The 1 Giant's Blood 2 Guardian Angel 2 Pentex(TM) Subversion 1 Powerbase: Los Angeles 1 Powerbase: Montreal 1 Rack, The 1 Smiling Jack, The Anarch 3 Vessel Action (7 cards) 1 Army of Rats 1 Constant Revolution 4 Magic of the Smith 1 Rutor's Hand Action Modifier (1 cards) 1 Enkil Cog Reaction (46 cards) 6 Cats' Guidance 6 Eagle's Sight 2 Enhanced Senses 8 Eyes of Argus 5 Mole, The 3 My Enemy's Enemy 2 On the Qui Vive 8 Sense the Savage Way 6 Telepathic Misdirection Combat (10 cards) 2 Canine Horde 5 Carrion Crows 3 Rego Motus Ally (1 cards) 1 Mylan Horseed Equipment (5 cards) 1 Bowl of Convergence 1 Heart of Nizchetus 1 Ivory Bow 1 Kevlar Vest 1 Ruins of Ceoris
Tomorrow we will continue with one of my favorite decks: Enkidu Superstar’s deck!
One day one deck nº8: Weenie ANI
The deck we bring you today, the Animalism weenie is based on making many visits with smallcap vampires.
There are, as far as I know, three types of weenie animalism decks (and some odd little that deserves no mention). The main variants are with / without Nana Buruku and with / without anarchism.
In general the deck has no secret, many visits with Deep Song and Taunt the Caged Beast and animalism combat:
Conquer the beast, Terror Frenzy
Carrion Crows, Aid from bats, Target Vitals, Taste of Vitae
Hell-for-leather (gives a lots of options to anarchic versions)
As always, the guns make counter to the combat of animalism, so you have to load well with Canine Horde.
Nana Buruku is often used in the anarchist version to kill using anarch revolts instead of (or in addition to) Fame.
Here I leave my list of weenie ANI:
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=1 max=5 avg=3.) 4x Anarch Convert 1 -none- Caitiff:ANY 1x Lisa Noble 1 ani Caitiff:3 1x Mouse 2 ani Nosferatu:3 1x Petra 5 aus ANI OBF Nosferatu:4 1x Stick 3 ANI Nosferatu antitribu:4 1x Beetleman 4 obf ANI Nosferatu:4 1x Zip 2 ani Ravnos:3 1x Bobby Lemon 4 pro ANI Gangrel:3 1x Celeste Lamontagne 5 for ANI PRO Gangrel antitribu:4 Library: 90 cards Master (17 cards) 3x Fame 7x Anarch Revolt 1x Humanitas 1x Information Highway 1x Libertas 1x Archon Investigation 1x Parthenon, The 2x Dreams of the Sphinx Action (20 cards) 1x Aranthebes, The Immortal 1x Army of Rats 4x Taunt the Caged Beast 14x Deep Song Combat (48 cards) 2x Hell-for-Leather 5x Target Vitals 5x Taste of Vitae 3x Terror Frenzy 16x Aid from Bats 13x Carrion Crows 4x Conquer the Beast Ally (1 cards) 1x Carlton Van Wyk Reaction (4 cards) 4x Delaying Tactics
Tomorrow we will continue with the Goratrix Wall deck!
One day one deck nº7:Stanislava
The Stanislava deck is one of the most powerful in the current scene. It has a brutal offensive ability and defends itself reasonably better than other similar decks.
It is not a surprise that BCP has chosen it as a gift to the players of vtes for the 25th Anniversary of the game.
The strength of the deck lies in the ability to reduce the pool of the prey almost unstoppably and in very painful quantities. As in other decks, you start trying to get 2-3 vampires (all big-caps, all with votes) and then smash forward. This is usually Zillah’s Valley / Govern / Scouting Mission. Then, once we have the majority of votes of the table we are dedicated to bleed, freak drive, politics.
The weakness of the deck is the loss of blood, as both the protean and the domination are expensive. Trying to block restoration is usually one of the best options, although it is not an easy task.
The star vampire of the crypt is of course Stanislava (attentive to his ability, which more than one could forget), and is usually accompanied by Ingrid Rossler, Genevive and Hartmut Stover. The new addition to the crypt is Xaviar Advanced.
The main library letters are:
Govern the Unaligned, Earth Control, FreakDrive / ForcedMarch / Instantaneous Transformation, KRC, EarthMeld / Form Of Mist, Deflection. To my liking, the card that gives boost of power to the deck is the Form of Mist, which, combined with the huge variety of multi-action makes it very difficult to stop.
I leave my list of Stanislava’s deck (courtesy of Oriol Pubill and very little modified). I cannot fail to mention that those of us who have been able to enjoy watching Oriol play with this deck are privileged, since it plays with a mixture of beauty and coldness that few leaves indifferent.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 39, Max: 44, Avg: 10,3) 2 Genevieve aus dom ANI FOR PRO10 Gangrel Antitribu 2 Hartmut Stover dom for CEL OBF PRO10 Gangrel Antitribu 1 Ingrid Rossler dom ANI FOR PRO9 Gangrel 5 Stanislava ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO11 Gangrel 2 Xaviar (ADV) aus cel pot ABO ANI FOR PRO10 Gangrel Library: (80 cards) Master (16 cards) 1 Backways 1 Giant's Blood 1 Golconda: Inner Peace 1 Monastery of Shadows 1 Pentex(TM) Subversion 4 Zillah's Valley 7 Villein Action (12 cards) 2 Scouting Mission 3 Restoration 7 Govern the Unaligned Action Modifier (21 cards) 1 Enkil Cog 2 Conditioning 4 Forced March 4 Freak Drive 4 Instantaneous Transformation 6 Earth Control Political Action (13 cards) 1 Ancient Influence 1 Political Stranglehold 1 Reins of Power 3 Banishment 7 Kine Resources Contested Reaction (5 cards) 2 Sense the Savage Way 3 Deflection Combat (10 cards) 2 Earth Meld 8 Form of Mist Combo (3 cards) 1 Murmur of the False Will 2 Rapid Change
Tomorrow we will continue with a deck that is already a classic, the weenie of animalism.
One day one deck nº6: Nephandus
We started a new week and the smell of European Championship is already beginning to be noticed in the environment. Today we will start with the archetype of Nephandos.
Nephandus’s deck is based on the special ability of the vampire Antonio d’Erlette that allows us to recruit directly from the deck (or hand) a magician ally (that Antonito could recruit) by just spending 4 transfers.
The Nephandus “is usually” Toolbox, intercepts with permanent, has a bit of bleed and defends (or attacks) well in combat. Perhaps I would say that lately they are seeing more rush decks than some time ago.
The Nephandus costs 2 pool (obviously we pay it even if we put it into play with Antonio d’Erlette’s special), he can strike 1R (has zero force), and he can burn a vampire in torpor as a (D) to earn a live. Now comes the special point: reduce all damage caused by opposing minion in one.
ALERT! Not only strikes, reduce it while the cause is the oposing minion. But it has to be clear that the Nephandus is not able to reduce damage from an environmental source (so some carrions kill him, and that’s it).
The cards we can expect in this deck are:
· Combat: Traps, target vitals, molotov cocktail.
· Actions: Computer Hacking, Unmasking, Amush-BumRush-etc …
· We can expect the little tremors that accompany them to devote themselves to hunting (even with Hungry Coyote) and deflect.
Here I present you a list (oriented to the use of master cards) that I usually play when I want to see my opponents suffer:
Crypt: (13 cards, Min: 4, Max: 20, Avg: 3)
2 Anarch Convert -none- 1 Caitiff
4 Antonio d'Erlette dom for pot THA5 Tremere Antitribu
1 Beatrice 'Oracle171 Tremblay inn ven 3 Innocent
1 Ember Wright aus dom 3 Tremere Antitribu
1 Esoara aus for pot DOM5 Tremere Antitribu
1 Saiz aus dom 3 Tremere Antitribu
3 Tupdog POT VIS 1 Gargoyle
Library: (90 cards)
Master (41 cards)
1 Archon Investigation
12 Ashur Tablets
2 Direct Intervention
1 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Fame
1 Fortschritt Library
1 Frontal Assault
3 Haven Uncovered
1 Jake Washington
1 KRCG News Radio
5 Liquidation
1 Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter
5 Parthenon, The
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
1 Secure Haven
1 Vampiric Disease
1 WMRH Talk Radio
1 Wash
1 Wider View
Action (9 cards)
1 Aranthebes, The Immortal
8 Leech
Reaction (9 cards)
5 Deflection
2 Delaying Tactics
2 On the Qui Vive
Combat (13 cards)
5 Disarm
3 Glancing Blow
1 Molotov Cocktail
2 Target Vitals
2 Trap
Ally (11 cards)
1 Carlton Van Wyk
1 Gregory Winter
7 Nephandus
1 Ossian
1 Vagabond Mystic
Event (4 cards)
1 Dragonbound
1 Slow Withering, The
2 Unmasking, The
Conviction (3 cards)
1 React with Conviction
1 Second Sight
1 Strike with Conviction
Tomorrow we will continue with the fashionable deck: Stanislava!
One day one deck nº5: Toreador Grand Ball
The essence of TGB is to use the master to achieve unblockable actions. It is usually played with the Triple-A crypt (Anson, Anneke and Alexandra).
The first thing to note, to dispel any doubt, is that we can choose the same vampire ‘trash’ to cover it and get another vampire also benefits from the second / third TGB. It is a good time to point out that nothing prevents lifting the ‘garbage can’ with Alexandra’s ability if we need it). Nor do we lose the TGB bonus if the ‘trash can’ is destroyed.
During the initial phase of the game, you have to try to survive, because the vampires we want to take out are expensive. We can abuse the Villein, Parity Shift and VoterCap to get it. Once we have the three Aces we will change to destruction mode by launching unblocking policies and using, if we can, the bleeds of our vampires.
In general, we can defend ourselves well against bleeds (Telepathic), we will have enough votes not to be easily destroyed to policies and generally we will choose majesty + charismatic aura to defend ourselves against combat (using magnums does not have to be ashamed either). Mention to obedience.
The true power of the deck lies in the special abilities of the three Aces:
· Anson gives an extra master phase
· Anneke can try to block any action
· Alexandra can lift another bullfighter once per minion phase (own)
The best way to end this deck is to deny the initial pool gain: canceling those parity or minion taps / villein is the best way to kill the deck. It is a good idea to agree with the other players to get the TGB between all.
I leave here a list of TGB that I like:
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 20, Max: 44, Avg: 8,33) 4 Alexandra dom ANI AUS CEL PRE11 Toreador 2 Anneke dom AUS CEL PRE10 Toreador 3 Anson aus dom CEL PRE8 Toreador 1 Dieter Kleist aus 2 Toreador 1 Isabel de Leon AUS 3 Toreador 1 Tatiana Romanov cel pre AUS 7 Toreador Library: (90 cards) Master (18 cards) 1 Art Museum 1 Giant's Blood 1 Information Highway 1 Papillon 1 Pentex(TM) Subversion 1 Secure Haven 5 Toreador Grand Ball 6 Villein 1 Wider View Action (6 cards) 3 Enchant Kindred 3 Entrancement Action Modifier (16 cards) 2 Aire of Elation 2 Awe 2 Bewitching Oration 4 Perfect Paragon 6 Voter Captivation Political Action (11 cards) 1 Banishment 1 Conservative Agitation 3 Kine Resources Contested 4 Parity Shift 1 Political Stranglehold 1 Reins of Power Reaction (20 cards) 7 Eyes of Argus 3 My Enemy's Enemy 1 On the Qui Vive 3 Second Tradition: Domain 6 Telepathic Misdirection Combat (12 cards) 4 Charismatic Aura 8 Majesty Equipment (2 cards) 1 Heart of Nizchetus 1 Sniper Rifle Event (1 cards) 1 Scourge of the Enochians Combo (4 cards) 4 Resist Earth's Grasp
One day one deck nº4: Wennie Aus
The Weenie Auspex archetype has many variations, but it usually comes down to bringing in vampires of low ability who have Auspex’s discipline, preferably the superior.
El mazo is all about stopping actions. The best strategy for playing this kind of decks is to defend yourself and try to get it into the three-player phase beforehand. You have to dedicate the early phase of the game to getting ready to control the table without pending a few turns later. The use of permanent cards gives this deck a lot ofrobustness (bowl, radios, rack / Montreal, some sniper and some camera phone).
It is easy for us to give ourselves the chance to stop everything that moves around our surroundings (this would be a novice error). Remember: we have to stop the actions of our predator and prey and solo if we are quite Ok and some prey’s vampire can be shot, we stop to punish him/her hard.
The main cards that can be seen in these are quite obvious: Eyes of Argus, Eagle Sight, Enhanced Senses, Onthequis and Forced Awakening. Telepathic Misdirection, My Enemy’s and some delaying us to help surviving.
The key in this deck resides in how we survived the fight. I believe that here there are the same options as valid (its decanting by the first, but I have shown that the second is equal to effective). Heidelberg is a very good card if we decided to decant ourselves for the combat option.
The first option we have to decide about wich of the following fighting styles we will like: .44magnum, sniper rifle, walking stick, target vitals, Saturday with dragon breath… any combination of these cards. The second option is to be mindful of combat and be aware that we will have to devote several of our actions to dropping / rescuing us from torpor. Akin to what we have been losing, and that gives us a good song of free slotes for other things in our deck.
Here I have an auspex weenie that works well for me:
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 10, Max: 20, Avg: 3,66) 1 Colonel cel dem obf AUS5 Malkavian Antitribu 1 Elizabeth Westcott ani cel vic AUS5 Tzimisce 1 Franciscus aus 1 Caitiff 1 Gengis aus cel pot 3 Brujah 1 Gengis (ADV) aus cel pot 3 Brujah 1 Isabel de Leon AUS 3 Toreador 1 Kisha Bhimji cel obf pot AUS5 Osebo 1 Martin Franckel tha AUS 3 Tremere 1 Mercy cel dom pre AUS5 Toreador Antitribu 1 Victoria cel obf AUS 5 Malkavian 1 Yvette aus cel 3 Toreador 1 Zoe cel obf AUS 3 Malkavian Library: (80 cards) Master (18 cards) 1 Channel 10 2 Fame 1 Heidelberg Castle, Germany 1 KRCG News Radio 2 Millicent Smith, Puritan Vampire Hunter 2 Pentex(TM) Subversion 1 Powerbase: Montreal 1 Rack, The 2 Smiling Jack, The Anarch 4 Vessel 1 WMRH Talk Radio Action (1 cards) 1 Aranthebes, The Immortal Reaction (37 cards) 2 Delaying Tactics 7 Eagle's Sight 10 Eyes of Argus 4 Forced Awakening 5 My Enemy's Enemy 3 On the Qui Vive 3 Precognition 3 Telepathic Misdirection Combat (12 cards) 4 Concealed Weapon 8 Target Vitals Ally (3 cards) 1 Carlton Van Wyk 1 Neighborhood Watch Commander 1 Ossian Retainer (1 cards) 1 Tasha Morgan Equipment (7 cards) 1 .44 Magnum 1 Bowl of Convergence 2 Camera Phone 3 Sniper Rifle Event (1 cards) 1 NRA PAC
Remember the first I have pointed about this archetype, there are some variations that work to the smallest extent (anarchic version, malkavian version with NRA and madness network, midcap version with pipas and celerity, version of princes…)
Tomorrow I’ll talk about the Toreador Grand Ball deck.