Posted in One day one deck

One day one deck nº3: Kiasyd Stealth&Bleed

The typical Kiasyds deck is the Stealth & bleed deck that I will talk about today. There are usually few variations beyond personal variations (bonding, gremlins, etc.).

Be careful because it is worth mentioning that not always that you see a kiasyd it will be a B&S deck, there is some marginal version of combat or blocker.

The deck of Kiasyd Stealth & Bleed is effective for combining several aspects of perfection:

· Clan disciplines oriented to bleed (DOM) and stealth (OBT and MITH).

· Crypt of relatively low cost that allows to act fast.

· Defends relatively well against attacks in combat.

The five aliens that combine perfectly are Arcadian, Isanwayen, Dame Holerton, Omme and Roderick. The last two are, in my opinion, the two worst in the crypt.

For the library there are many options but more than 70 cards are usually played. The most significant letters are the following:

· Song of Pan: +1 bleed to each kiasyd is quite strong. Watch out for the second part of the card text.

· Govern / Gremlins + Conditioning / Bonding module.

· Nocturn: an ephemeral ally that acts as a bleed of a small defense against a rush.

· Very powerful clan cards: Great Symposium and Fae Contortion (cancel grapples!)

If you are going to play Kyasid’s deck, your strategy is to get the biggest minion and use it to use Govern the Unaligned to superior and get more cheap minions. Use the nocturnal to defend yourself when necessary or to bleed as required. When you have 3 minions make your prey fly away.

The best way to stop that deck is to try to stop the initial Governs, torporize their vampires or try to deflect their bleeds, nothing you can not guess.

Here my version of the deck (which they admitted to the Amaranth quickstart deck list):

Library: (70 cards)
 Master (11 cards)
   1  Anarch Troublemaker
   3  Dreams of the Sphinx
   1  Giant's Blood
   1  Great Symposium
   1  Perfectionist
   1  Secure Haven
   3  Wash
 Action (11 cards)
   8  Govern the Unaligned
   3  Song of Pan
 Action Modifier (26 cards)
   2  Blanket of Night
   4  Command of the Beast
   6  Conditioning
   1  Foreshadowing Destruction
   4  Shadow Play
   3  Shroud of Absence
   2  Shroud of Night
   3  Stone Travel
   1  Tenebrous Form
 Reaction (3 cards)
   3  Deflection
 Combat (4 cards)
   2  Arms of the Abyss
   2  Oubliette
 Ally (7 cards)
   1  Carlton Van Wyk
   6  Nocturn
 Event (1 cards)
   1  Bitter and Sweet Story, The
 Combo (7 cards)
   3  Aura Absorption
   4  Fae Contortion

Tomorrow I will talk about a pain in the ass: The weenie of auspex.

Posted in One day one deck

One day one deck nº2: Ventrue Lawfirm

The Ventrue Lawfirm is a deck that evolved from its primitive version with ‘midcaps’ of groups 1-2 (Sir Walter, Emerson, Timothy, etc …) to other variants such as Arika and company or group version 4-5 ( with Lodin, Victor P, Victor D, etc …).

The basic operation of the deck has three phases:
· First abuse the extra influence that gives us the Government, Enchant and Scouting (usually accompanied by zilla’s and villeins)

· Second build up your strategy taking out vampires with votes to push the multi-action / bleed policies of the final phase.ed de la fase final.

· Third, end up sweeping whoever is at the table repeating to the bleed / politca, freak drive, politics / bleed taste.

The deck is based on a large number of strong cards:
Govern the unaligned, Enchant Kindred, Scouting Mission.
Parity Shift, KRC, Awe, Bewitching Oration, Voter Captivation.
Deflection, Second Tradition, Murmur of the False Will.
Some based on the clan: Ventrue HQ and Yiaros Island.
And finally they move between Majesty, Obedience and the prevention of strength.

The best way to win a deck of this style is to take advantage of the start of the game wisely, trying to block the initial actions of gaining blood in an uncontrolled area. If the Ventrue manages to build up it’s strategy it will be difficult to resist his bleed or beat him in votes.

I leave my Arika Ventrue Lawfirm list:

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 35, Max: 43, Avg: 9,83)
3 Arika aus cel DOM FOR OBF PRE11 Ventrue
3 Lucinde obf pot tha DOM FOR PRE10 Ventrue
3 Marcus Vitel DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE10 Ventrue
2 Queen Anne aus obf DOM FOR PRE10 Ventrue
1 Catherine du Bois for obf pre DOM5 Ventrue

Library: (90 cards)
Master (14 cards)
1 Giant’s Blood
1 Information Highway
1 Monastery of Shadows
1 Pentex(TM) Subversion
1 Secure Haven
1 Ventrue Headquarters
6 Villein
2 Wash

Action (10 cards)
3 Enchant Kindred
4 Govern the Unaligned
3 Scouting Mission

Action Modifier (30 cards)
1 Awe
1 Bewitching Oration
3 Conditioning
1 Elder Impersonation
1 Faceless Night
2 Forgotten Labyrinth
8 Freak Drive
3 Lost in Crowds
3 Perfect Paragon
1 Spying Mission
6 Voter Captivation

Political Action (10 cards)
1 Banishment
1 Conservative Agitation
3 Kine Resources Contested
3 Parity Shift
1 Political Stranglehold
1 Reins of Power Reaction (13 cards)
4 Deflection
5 Obedience
1 On the Qui Vive
3 Second Tradition: Domain

Combat (8 cards)
8 Majesty

Event (1 cards)
1 Scourge of the Enochians

Combo (4 cards)
4 Murmur of the False Will

Tomorrow we will continue with the Kiasyd deck of Stealth & Bleed.

Posted in One day one deck

One day one deck nº1: Tupdogs

Dear Methuselah!

I’m gonna start a new serie of posts in which will talk about one different archetypes every time.

The tupdogs deck is one of the most feared in the game wherever it goes, because its huge destructive hability. It is a short-term deck, that means that you will live fast, die young and leave many bodies along the way (beautiful or not).

The first thing to talk about is the tupdog itself, vampire of capacity one with unique characteristics. It burns at the end of the minion phase, so it will only last one turn. He is a slave of the Tremere Antitribu, Visceratika’s cards cost him one less blood, and finally, he can enter combat with a minion as a D action.

This turns the tupdog into a very offensive vampire, has a practically unstoppable combat block and on the other hand, as he will die at the end of the turn, we don’t care (almost!) whatever happens to him.

The usual combat cards are:

Torn signpost – Strenght of 3
Brick by brick – Set the range (short). Alternatively, maneuver and 2R
Raking talons – Aggravated hand
Immortal grapple – To avoid combat ends
Lead Fist – Strike: hand +2 (with possible press)
Stonestrengh and Rockheart – Prevention / Press

As you can see, with three of the cards you can already do a lot of damage to almost anyone. The prevention can be used to continue pressing without going to torpor or to play an As the crow and continue acting (bleed or dive bomb for example).

Another card that is not negligible is the Voices of the castle, which gives +1 intercep or reduces a bleed by 2.

Finally, a great new addition is the Unleash de hounds, from +1 to bleed.

Tips for playing with Tupdogs:
The real difficulty lies in being aware that you are going to play between 10 … 12 … 15 actions and then you are dead. Playing with tupdogs is a very wild time trial and you cannot afford to let others set the pace of the game.

Tips for playing against Tupdogs:
Have the Tupdog divert his attention to another side of the table. Let his predator put pressure on him and then rescue him. There is one thing that is usually true … The Tupdog cannot usually fight against the entire table at the same time. Another option is to take several vampires at once (if it can be at the same time as other players better). Talk to your allies. Use time in your favor and you will see how the Tupdog dies alone.

  • An example of a Tupdog deck:
    Deck Name: Tupdog
    Description: Rush
    Crypt (30 cards; Capacity min=1 max=4 avg=3.)
    1x Ember Wright 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu:3
    1x Janine 4 aus dom tha Tremere antitribu:4
    2x Keith Moody 3 DOM Tremere antitribu:4
    1x Mosfair 4 cel dom tha Tremere antitribu:4
    1x Saiz 3 aus dom Tremere antitribu:3
    24x Tupdog 1 POT VIS Gargoyle:3
    Library: 90 cards
    Master (11 cards)
    1x Effective Management
    3x Fame
    1x Infernal Pact
    1x Information Highway
    1x Secure Haven
    1x University Hunting Ground
    1x Yawp Court
    2x Dreams of the Sphinx
    Action (9 cards)
    3x Govern the Unaligned
    3x Graverobbing
    3x Dive Bomb
    Action Modifier (9 cards)
    5x As the Crow
    1x Skin of the Chameleon
    2x Unleash the Hounds
    1x Conditioning
    Combat (52 cards)
    9x Immortal Grapple
    6x Lead Fist
    11x Raking Talons
    4x Rockheart
    7x Stonestrength
    7x Torn Signpost
    8x Brick by Brick
    Equipment (1 cards)
    1x Codex of the Edenic Groundskeepers
    Reaction (7 cards)
    4x Voices of the Castle
    2x Deflection
    1x Delaying Tactics
    Event (1 cards)
    1x Uncoiling, The

Tomorrow I will talk you about another archetype: The Ventrue Lawfirm!