One day one deck nº12: Khazar’s Diary

Good morning dear readers!

What is promised is debt and today we will talk about Khazar’s Diary’s deck!

The “Khazar’s” deck is based on the homonymous Khazar’s Diary. It is a stealth action that requires Giovanni clan. When playing it, a counter is added to a Khazar that was already at stake and if that is not possible, the card is put into play. Whenever a single minion is burned, a counter is added to the newspaper. As long as a Khazar is in play has 7 or more counters, the vampires of the Giovanni clan gain Superior Necromancy and as a stealth action, they can return any minion of any graveyard to the game to represent a wraith ally with two life, one of bleed and one stealth (zero force).

The deck is obviously based on exploiting the Khazar’s Diary and trying to get those seven counters as soon as possible so that they can bring as many allies into the game and kill our crush prey.

In general, we achieved that by playing with many small vampires of the Giovanni clan, who are dedicated to playing many unique allies and many diaries. We will not hesitate to sacrifice allies without regard, to add more counters (then we will recycle them).

Apart from the khazar’s diary, the cards we can expect in this deck are the Unmasking and the FBI Special Affairs Division, the Giovanni allies (Gianna, Giula, Leonardo, Tye …), the other good allies (Ossian, Carlton, Impudulu … ). Then there are other packs that are usually added to taste: Embraces and there is my favorite version, the anarchist with Cry Wolf (and some Piper). Delayings and deflections to survive.

Here I leave my list of my deck of Khazar’s, although some time ago that I do not play, you could use to see the idea:

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 4, Max: 16, Avg: 2,33)
 1  Marciana Giovanni                  dom            2  Giovanni
   1  Paul DiCarlo                       pot            2  Giovanni
   1  Rudolfo Giovanni                   NEC            3  Giovanni
   1  Lia Milliner                       dom nec        3  Giovanni
   1  Gloria Giovanni                    nec DOM        4  Giovanni
   1  Chas Giovanni Tello                DOM POT        4  Giovanni
   1  Isabel Giovanni                    pot DOM NEC    5  Giovanni
   5  Anarch Convert                     -none-         1  Caitiff
 Library: (80 cards)
 Master (16 cards)
   1  Anarch Railroad
   1  Creepshow Casino
   1  Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
   1  Humanitas
   2  Parthenon, The
   1  Pentex(TM) Subversion
   6  Piper
   1  Powerbase: Cape Verde
   1  Powerbase: Los Angeles
   1  Seattle Committee
 Action (15 cards)
   4  Embrace, The
   7  Khazar's Diary (Endless Night)
   4  Sudario Refraction
 Action Modifier (3 cards)
   3  Call of the Hungry Dead
 Reaction (12 cards)
   5  Deflection
   2  Delaying Tactics
   5  On the Qui Vive
 Combat (9 cards)
   4  Concealed Weapon
   2  Lucky Blow
   3  Target Vitals
 Ally (15 cards)
   1  Carlton Van Wyk
   8  Cry Wolf
   1  Gianna di Canneto
   2  Giulia Giovanni Abruzzina
   1  Leonardo, Mortician
   1  Ossian
   1  Tye Cooper
 Equipment (5 cards)
   5  Wooden Stake
 Event (3 cards)
   1  FBI Special Affairs Division
   2  Unmasking, The
 Combo (2 cards)
   2  Spectral Divination

Tomorrow we will continue with Ghede’s deck and his Typhonic Beast!

Author: Gatocion

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